Learning institutions are transforming rapidly to keep up with the evolution of technology and learning styles. Our team focuses on creating a better environment for students and teachers, while minimising the institution’s environmental footprint.

Healthy indoor environments create better teaching and learning opportunities, reduce operating costs, and help our education clients demonstrate their responsible citizenship to environmentally-savvy students.

As learning styles and practices develop - most notably the ever growing shift to online learning and MOCs (Massive Online Courses), we'll help you understand and plan for future options and costs – including the influx of students from other locations around the world. 

Our education sector projects across Singapore, Australia and New Zealand incorporate the best of today’s design strategies and technologies, and they are also developed with future expansion needs, maintenance and operations in mind. One area of particular interest to us is creating "sticky campuses" that serve as local destinations in their own right; providing a focal point of social interaction for students, educational staff and the broader community, not just as places to merely learn. 

We have designed and managed many successful expansion projects for growing campuses – and we take great pride in completing these with as little disruption to the operation of the campus as possible.

Our People

Leif Klaassen

Principal - Project Management

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Mark Spencer

Group Director - Built Form

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