The Cooks Islands Government National Environment Policy (NEP) provides an holistic approach to preserving their pristine natural environment. As one of their consulting partners, Beca helped make everyday better.

The Cook Islands is known for its lush tropical mountains, white sandy beaches and turquoise lagoons that underpin a thriving tourism sector and sustainable economy. But underneath this tranquil beauty, is a fragile ecosystem under pressure from development and susceptible to natural disasters and climate change.

Therefore, the need to provide a clear environmental policy is instrumental for the sustainable development of the Cook Islands as a small and remote Pacific state.

Working closely with the Cook Islands National Environmental Service (NES) since 2019, Beca helped develop what is now their National Environment Policy (NEP).

A coherent framework for protecting a precious ecosystem 

Given our extensive experience in this space, we supported NES by providing our policy and legislative development and environmental planning expertise in developing this important document.

The Policy’s key objectives are to state clear environmental policy instruments in an integrated approach to environmental protection, conservation and management across all of the Cook Islands. It will drive collaboration and foster strong partnerships across all sectors to meet sustainable development agendas.

Adopted by cabinet in December 2022, the National Environment Policy is now in practice and provides a coherent framework to help protect and enhance the Cook Islands most precious resource for future generations.

Our Client Says

"We learnt so much from Annika around Policy Development. It was useful to see how developing policies takes a holistic approach where planning, research, identifying gaps across legislations and communicating these makes for more informed policy decisions. Being under the wing of Annika gave us more confidence to finally complete in 2022”.

Tekura Moeka'a

Manager Environment Policy and Planning - NES

Our People

Cushla Loomb

Beca Technical Fellow and Business Director – Climate Risk and Adaptation

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