
Beca supports Launch of NSW whole of government Infrastructure Digitalisation Roadmap

Beca is excited to be advising the NSW Government in accelerating digital change across all their government infrastructure portfolios, assets, and projects.

In December 2022 the NSW Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government, the Hon. Victor Dominello officially launched a new way to support the digitalisation of all State Infrastructure assets, the 'NSW Roadmap for digitalising planning, design, construction and operation of infrastructure'.

"The New South Wales Government is committed to driving productivity uplift across the infrastructure sector through digital technology and modern practices, and supporting flourishing communities enabled by systems and data that are reliable, interoperable and secure."

Beca in collaboration with the NSW Government aim to make digital investment and implementation simply business as usual across government and industry, setting a whole of government strategic direction for future NSW investment in digital programs and policy.

The NSW Infrastructure Digitalisation Roadmap sets a strategic framework for achieving widespread adoption and application of digital technology throughout the state's infrastructure lifecycle.

This is an important milestone in Beca’s continued support to the NSW Government across their Department of Planning and Environment (DPIE), Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) through the Smart Places Strategy, and Infrastructure New South Wales, in response to their 2018 and 2022 State Infrastructure Strategy

Supported by Digital Strategy Lead Oskar Casasayas, Beca is excited to continue accelerating change across federal, state and territory governments, and Australia’s largest asset owners and projects.

To learn more about this project, please email enquiries@beca.com. More information about Beca’s digital capabilities can be viewed here.