We’re extremely honoured to announce that Beca’s Chris Scrafton has this week been made a Fellow of Te Kokiringa Taumata | the NZ Planning Institute (NZPI).
NZPI Fellow is the highest professional membership grade offered by the Institute and recognises those who have made a major personal contribution to the planning profession for the benefit of the public. Just 1% of all NZPI members are made Fellows, which makes this accolade even more prestigious.On receiving his Fellowship, Chris commented: “I was completely shocked and honoured to be recognised by the Institute in this way. What made this particularly special for me was to be surprised by my family and colleagues with the award at my home, especially at a time when meeting face to face has been particularly challenging. I would like to thank all those who have and continue to influence my career over the years who are far too numerous to name.”
Recognised as one of the most talented planners in the industry, Chris’s career of over 20 years includes a diverse range of consulting and expert advisor roles for central government local government and private sector clients. His extensive depth of planning knowledge and his ability to focus on strategic outcomes has made him the ‘go-to guy’ for complex projects.
He has been especially influential in the transport, water, and policy space, and has led or been involved in the development of the Auckland Unitary Plan; Christchurch Central City Recovery Plan Review; Watercare’s Northern Interceptor Wastewater Pipeline; City Rail Link; Southern Links; structure planning and plan changes including Pokeno; and more recently Te Tupu Ngātahi Supporting Growth.
Chris is passionate about advancing the planning profession, and has made a significant contribution over many years to the practice of planning in New Zealand. His drive for achieving the best possible outcomes for people and communities has led to him contributing to the development of good planning practice in New Zealand through published articles and being a regular presenter at NZPI and other industry related conferences and seminars.
He is also a strong and sought-after mentor for emerging planners. Chris’s approachability and willingness to share his knowledge, in addition to his breadth and depth of experience, not only helps emerging planners but inspires them to constantly improve. Despite his tight work schedule, he is committed to dedicating his time to assist, review and teach while genuinely being open for a robust discussion and challenge.
Bryce Julyan, Beca – Practice Lead – Community Shaping, extended his congratulations: “We are extremely proud of Chris. In the last decade or so that I have known him, he has always acted with the utmost professionalism and dedication to the principals of good planning and the NZ Planning Institute (NZPI). His objective analysis and well considered opinions earn the respect of those who work with him. He sets a strong example and presents as a good role model for less experienced witnesses and planners.”
Amelia Linzey, Beca – Group Director – Advisory, also praise Chris on this achievement, and especially for his respect for Te Tiriti o Waitangi and understanding of te ao Māori. “Chris’s considered approach, over the years, has led him to become a respected and trusted advisor to Mana whenua. He is passionate about understanding Mana whenua views and aspirations and assisting project teams in aligning these with their project outcomes. I couldn’t be happier to see Chris rewarded for his commitment to the planning profession and we are extremely privileged to have him as part of the Beca Planning team.”

See also
March 2022