Together with our clients, partners and communities, we are responding to climate change and working to shape a more sustainable and equitable future.

As one of Asia Pacific’s largest independent advisory, design and engineering consultancies, our diverse and multidisciplinary teams are passionate about applying systems thinking and innovative approaches to the design and delivery of places and spaces where people live, work, learn and play.

In late 2023, our Beca Group CEO Amelia Linzey and Industrial Group Director Jimmy Walsh attended the Conference of Parties (COP) climate summit in Dubai as part of the New Zealand business delegation. COP is the annual forum and main decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It is where the world makes decisions on the global response to the climate crisis, and 2023 was the first year where Aotearoa New Zealand sent a business delegation.

Maximising the value of the opportunity, Amelia, Jimmy, and leaders across our business have developed a report that dives into the insights from COP28, so our people, clients, partners and communities can continue to anticipate and respond to the challenges ahead.

In this report, we consider COP28 through the lens of our focus themes for impact; Decarbonisation, Climate Adaptation & Resilience, and Resource Stewardship. We discuss the actions needed and steps being taken in the Asia Pacific region, towards achieving a sustainable and climate-resilient future.

Read the full report

COP28 was an important reminder that when you know better, you do better. Here's to being part of the solutions and working together, as we look to Asia Pacific's path to progress.

Key takeaways

We all have a role to play in responding to climate change and by working together, we are all part of the solution. At Beca, we embrace the opportunity to collaborate with clients, partners, colleagues and the community to deliver a positive vision, and a sustainable, climate-resilient future we can all be proud of.

Time to be ambitious - we face a climate emergency

COP28 saw the first Global Stocktake presented, which showed current climate actions aren't enough to limit global warming to 1.5°C. There was a call for more ambitious and collaborative efforts to reduce emissions, enhance resilience, and align financial support with the scale and scope of the climate crisis. 

Collaboration and cooperation are key to addressing the challenges

Climate change requires a whole-of-humanity response, involving cooperation and knowledge sharing across borders, sectors, and disciplines. We need to encourage multilateral dialogue, knowledge sharing, and partnership among governments, businesses, civil society, and indigenous peoples. 

Connect the dots between climate and resources

Sustainable practices must go beyond ‘simply’ reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and consider the interconnectedness between climate change and the consumption of natural, and manufactured resources.

Nature-based solutions are critical 

We need to integrate nature-based solutions into climate action plans, utilising the benefits of ecosystems to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Nature-based solutions can also help conserve biodiversity, enhance well-being, and support sustainable development. 

Operationalise the Loss and Damage Fund

COP28 marked an historic agreement on the Loss and Damage Fund, which aims to compensate vulnerable and developing countries that suffer the most from the physical effects of climate change, such as floods, droughts, and sea level rise. 

Accelerate the energy transition

Two major pledges were launched at COP28 to accelerate the global transition to clean and sustainable energy sources. The Global Renewables and Energy Efficiency Pledge committed to tripling renewable energy capacity and doubling energy efficiency improvements. The Global Cooling Pledge aimed to reduce cooling-related emissions by 68% by 2050. 

"We're dedicated to playing our part in creating a sustainable, equitable, and resilient future for all."

Amelia Linzey, Group CEO

"Our future will not be secured without practical, on-the-ground solutions for industry, energy, transport, water, and urban form."

Jimmy Walsh, Group Director - Industrial